Welcome to the 7th addition of our thread of blog posts! Every week, get a ,Sneak Peak‘ into the scientific stories our team is now finalizing. We share a little excerpt from one of the stories and chat with the authors about the inspiration and motivation for their story.
This week, we talked to our team member and scientist Sabrina Hohmann, about her story, ‚Eddie earth‘.

I decided to join the “Once Upon A Time” project, since it poses a great opportunity to convey the topic of climate change to people, who are not usually involved in this issue. Especially kids are open and curious for new knowledge when it is communicated in an adequate way. Telling an easy-to-understand story creates a memorable and connectable knowledge, which is essential for rising empathy for the issue. Since our kids are the generation that will have to deal with the consequences of climate change, we should use projects like “Once Upon A Time” to make our kids aware of this challenge.
Listen to Sabrina reading an excerpt from her story (In her mother tongue, German)
Listen to Sabrina reading an excerpt from her story (In English)
Check back with the blog and @OUAT_sci_story on Twitter for our next ‚Sneak Peak‘!